Correlation between the subjective perception of the lifestyle and eating habits and the objective result of the lipid profile and anthropometric values in amateurs runners of ACAB


  • Amiano P UAI



Running, Life style, eating, Anthropometry, Lipid


Introduction: in Argentina, 55% of those over 18 years of age do insufficient physical activity. A diet with high energy density and low intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains prevails. The increase in popular sport promotes a favorable change. Material and methods: Analytical, correlational study conducted in ACAB from 2016 to 2018 to correlate the subjective perception of lifestyle and eating habits with the objective results of the lipid profile and anthropometric values ​​in 46 amateur street runners. These instruments were used: GPAQ 2.0, Questionnaire on lifestyle practices and beliefs, DHQ I, ISAK and lipidogram. Results: the CC and the ICC were of low cardiometabolic risk. BMI was normal. 67% and 76% had desirable levels of TCol  and LDLc, 48% high HDLc and 96% normal TG. The eating habits were adequate, although in 54% it was inappropriate for sweets and fats. Inadequate consumption of snacks and beverages were significant in relation to BF% and BMI, HDLc and ∑6s with lifestyle. The value of METs was high. 85% presented a Healthy Lifestyle. Conclusion: men were more overweight than women but better HWI, WC, BF%  and Σ6s values, and women, better lipid profile. The majority presented adequate consumption, except for sweets and fats in all and refreshments in women. There was a significant correlation between refreshments and drinks and %BF and life style scores with cLDL, cHDL, BMI and ∑6s.



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How to Cite

Amiano P. Correlation between the subjective perception of the lifestyle and eating habits and the objective result of the lipid profile and anthropometric values in amateurs runners of ACAB. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 3 [cited 2024 Apr. 20];(1). Available from:



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